"Rank people, label them, place them in a hierarchy and generally make it a competition"
"Rank people, label them, place them in a hierarchy and generally make it a competition" - Congrats, you've just describe what this country has done to folks that look like me for centuries, up until and including today. My question to you is how will you help me make it different tomorrow?
"Most people are pretty much neutral on the privilege scale their entire lives." - Again demonstrating that your understanding of what defines privilege is in need of adjustment.
The only "narrative" I have are my lived experience. That's what's informing me here. Until you recognize what privilege is, you can't counter it, and it will keep affecting you. And again, from my lived experience, this is one of the _hardest_ anti-racist things for white men especially to come to terms with. But it is so necessary. I beg you to seek the opinions of other BIPOC people on this issue. Don't just take my word for it (or not take it, as it were).