Thanks for missing my point entirely.
I detest Shelby Steele - please do not equate what I've said here with what anything he has said. His writings are highly racist against blacks. "Black people need to take responsibility to adopt behavior patterns that demonstrably lead to economic success"?
No. This is not at all what I'm trying to say.
That is a behaviorally racist idea.
What needs to happen is policies need to be changed to not keep black people economically oppressed. We've had over 150 years and it still has not happened.
Remember, any successes black people have achieved in the past century and a half have happened _despite_ racist whites fighting them tooth and nail along the way. The Meritocracy mindset falls way short when the playing field isn't level.
""Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era."???
No. A thousand times no.
Do some research on the _policies_ that came about during and immediately following civil rights. Then talk to me about who destroyed what.
Racist-adjacent whites love Steele, because writers like him reinforce their racist views, while at the same time allowing them plausible deniability about their own bias because they can claim it came from a "black voice".
See also: Cadence Owens.